Thursday, May 4, 2017


This is your life and you don’t need anyone’s approval to live it or to do the things that make you happy. You are your own master… you don’t need to follow others or ask them permission when they have nothing to do with the outcome. You know better than anyone else what you want from life and what can make you happy. If someone rejects you or judges you, it’s not really about you… if someone thinks badly of you, it’s a reflection of them and their own insecurities. Never underestimate yourself and never compare yourself with anyone else. Every person is unique and beautiful in their own way. Never give up just because life isn’t fair with you or when things aren’t going your way. Remember that it’s just a test to see how strong you can be. People who back stab you or ill-treat you are there to teach you lessons in life that you wouldn’t have learned without them, so be thankful to every person who has tried to bring you down. They have simply shown you what you don’t want to be and hence made you stronger and wiser so you are better equipped to find what you really want from life. 

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