Saturday, September 24, 2016

My wish for you

My wish for you

My wish for you is that you fall for a person who will love you deeply, who will always be there when you need them and will never let you feel alone or unwanted. I want you to have someone in your life who never lets you fall asleep with tears in your eyes… a person who helps you both in the kitchen and in life – who never lets you do it all on your own…. I want you to find someone who holds your hand and proudly walks with you in public for the world to see… someone who wants the world to see you and admire you…. I want you to have someone who will always cheer you up… whose love will always exhilarate you and who’s loving gestures never fail to pick you up when you’re feeling down… I want you to find someone who will always stand beside you in everything and never takes you for granted… Someone who can see you at your worst and still loves you just as you are….. And last but not the least… I wish for you to fall for a person who takes care of your heart as if it were their own… Someone who feels proud to have you in their life and gives you the love and respect you truly deserve…

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