Tuesday, September 27, 2016



I’m done! Done with chasing everyone and everything; Done with running to get everywhere in life… and all so as to acquire everything life has to offer… But all this time I’ve been chasing everything – I never once stopped to ask my own heart what it wants. What is it that makes ME happy and content? What is it that I REALLY want?? It seems like everyone around me has everything they ever desired and everything they could ever want from me. Everyone ELSE is satisfied… but I’m not. When I look back on my life, I don’t see anything that can give me lasting happiness… except perhaps the smiles of others that are because of the happiness I provided them. But where is my happiness? When I look at my past all I see is chaos, there’s no memories I can cherish. All that time I was thinking about everyone else – their needs, their wants, their happiness…. and I’d always run so fast so as to fulfill their demands. But I never listened to my heart, my mind or the needs of my body. I worked harder than I was capable of – but now I want to relax. I need a break from the fast life… I need to listen to my heart and do the things that make ME happy…. I want to stop and listen to the murmuring of my heart that is asking to be loved… For once, I want to be pampered! I want to drift into a relaxing sleep and sail away into my own dreamland… My own little world… I want to take some time for myself so I can look at my life and have some memories to cherish. I want to relive my childhood and once again live a life where I can envision my dreams and live a carefree life…. I want that life now! …. I’m done with all this hustle and bustle….

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