Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Love is not when you find a woman beautiful or when you want to talk to her for hours… love is when you find the beauty of her heart and when you understand her silence. Love is not possessing her but trusting her and allowing her to fly. Love is not sharing your day to day life with a woman but sharing your dreams with her. Love is not taking her to your bedroom to bare her body but unraveling those secrets that are hidden within her soul. Love is when all her tears fall upon your heart, when her smile becomes the reason for your happiness, when you hold her hand - not to show your possessiveness - but to walk with her side by side. Love is when you find her beautiful without her makeup on in a messy outfit. Love is something that requires you to open your heart and soul to a woman to let her in so she may see all your wounds and scars and heal them. Love is not about owning someone else, but about losing yourself to them. 

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