Thursday, December 29, 2016


LOVE…It is the simplest and most natural thing in the world… and yet it is also the most complicated… It’s the only emotion on earth that can make you happy and sad all at the same time. When it’s good – you’re always in a dream world with the one you love. You adore everything he does and have complete faith in his abilities. You respect him, never take him for granted and you never let doubts come in between you… But when it’s bad – it’s really bad! When love goes wrong you feel like there’s no hope left in your relationship yet you still hope and pray for the impossible to happen. You’re caught in that awful feeling where your mind says “let go” but heart says “hold on”. And when you sleep, he is there in your dreams and you wake up with tears in your eyes because you realize the dream is over… and worst of all… no matter how much you try, you can never forget that one special person whom you loved and you just don’t know the reason why. But true love defies all reason… Love happens in a glance… in a single moment and without giving any warnings it takes away your heart and gives it to somebody else… True love never ends, even if the relationship does… because true love is infinite…

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