Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The biggest challenge of love

The biggest challenge of love is to keep the fires of passion burning and never let the desire for one another burnout… But if you can master that, you can master the true art of happiness because love keeps you young and happy… It makes you fearless and motivated to achieve things you only ever dreamed of before… Love is an energy source that uplifts the spirits not only of yourself – but that of the person you love. It boosts self-esteem and confidence because you know you always have that one special person who believes in you no matter what. Love is treasuring the person you’re with and the bond the two of you share together… It is a perfect blend of two imperfect souls that merged together like oxygen in air… Love means being the real you, without any changes… with all your flaws and imperfections… and being loved just as you are…

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