Monday, November 7, 2016



Ego and attitude make a person so rude and arrogant that they forget they are a flawed human being just like everyone else. Egotistical people tend to forget that every person they treat badly is deeply hurt by their behavior… It never occurs to them that THEY are a source of pain for so many people. When a person is controlled by their own ego, it takes over their mind and their heart… It controls their feelings to a point where they can no longer see or understand anyone else but themselves. To an egotistical person – THEY are always right…. THEIR words should always be the last ones… THEIRS is the only option worth listening to… A person like that becomes incapable of seeing things from another’s point of view and cannot empathize with the pain of others. Blinded by their own arrogance, they will keep repeating the same mistakes over and over, forgetting the rule of KARMA… which says “today it is me – but tomorrow it can be you”. So before hurting others… stop and think about it. Are you really on the right? False ego and self-righteous attitudes never take you anywhere… All they will do is take away the love others have for you and eventually leave you completely alone because the only people left will be the ones who need something from you; the hypocrites, the users, and the liars. The only people you will have left are people who neither love you nor respect you – but hate you inside…

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