Friday, October 21, 2016



We’ve been together for so many years and yet I still feel the same way about you as I did when we first met…. You truly are the man of my dreams. The memory of your first touch still lingers in my mind… I remember so clearly, it was as if you were touching my very soul… The moments when I’m in your arms are the moments when everything feels right in the world. Your smile and your laughter make me feel alive and vibrant and I cannot help but feel we were destined to walk through life together…. With you – every day is a new day and even when we have our troubles you never let them overshadow another day…. Even if it means apologizing when I am the one in the wrong, you’ll do anything to ensure the dawning of a new day brings us happiness. My whole world centers around you…. Each morning starts looking into your eyes and every day ends in your arms. It is the one place in the world I find peace, almost as if it’s my own private heaven. You truly are my savior… You have transformed me into a happier woman and your love has dried my tears and healed the bruises that once marked my heart and soul. I still have goose bumps when you call me… still get that shiver down my spine when you hug me. I still crave you the way I always have… And it’s all because of you! Your love, your care and your tenderness… You truly are my one and only…!! 

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