Monday, November 27, 2017


I’M DONE! ... done with all your excuses and lies. Whenever I stop texting or calling you, you never make any move forward or even attempt to contact me asking about my whereabouts or wellbeing. Whenever I stay just out of reach you never enquire about me... and when you do come crawling back it’s always with a long list of excuses… the same old ones… and I’m done with all of them. If you don't want to talk to me be straightforward and tell me - don't try to make up for things if you don’t even care. Don't make promises when you have no intention of keeping them. If you don't want to give me your time and attention, just tell me... but don't pretend you feel things you don't. I don't want any of your lame excuses anymore... I want your love and your undivided attention and time... I want you and your love... I want it to be just you and me. But most of all I want an HONEST YOU, who has the courage to bring me the truth no matter how bitter it happens to be... Love or no love… just be true to me…!! 

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