Wednesday, August 24, 2016



It’s not about how many people you can fit into your life but how you treat the people you already know and how you nurture your relationships with them that are important… It’s not easy to make new friends or form new relationships and sometimes if you’re not careful, you’ll lose your oldest and dearest ones… Every single relationship needs time, respect and love to grow and flourish. Relationships are not steps to be used to go up but are meant to be maintained with love, patience, care, and respect… So remember, never take anyone for granted. You never know when people may get tired of it and leave you…. and by the time you realize it, it may be already too late. The people you cared most for… the ones you never doubted would always be there may have strayed too far and you may never get them back… Hold on to the ones who love you and the ones that care for you….. You’d regret it if they left you. Time is short… don’t waste it… Love and be loved… VALUE every person you have…

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