Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Being Parents

Being Parents

We should not force our children to do things they don’t want to do. Being parents, it’s our duty to provide them with everything they need for a healthy and happy life. We should allow them to pursue their dreams and not force our wishes on them. If we continue feeding them, they will never learn to become independent and self-reliant. Kids are like plants, and if we don’t nurture them and shower them with our Love and trust, they’ll fade away. If we don’t try to understand them, who else will?? They have a mind of their own, their own identity, and if we cage them, or try to limit them, they will never learn to fly. If we don’t allow them to fall, how will they learn to get back up? They can never run if we keep feeding them. They will never develop self-confidence. They need to be able to go out into the world and explore it so they can see and understand what the world is made of. Let them be THEMSELVES, and someday they will make us proud….

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