Sunday, February 16, 2014

when I was broken and alone.....

There was a time in my life when I was broken and alone… but then you came along and gave my life a new meaning… you not only taught me to smile again but also inspired me to make others happy. You are my friend for life and I will never give up on you….
Neena Gupta

Let your love strengthen her and not make her weak… Build her up, never tear her down… With whatever time you have, love her as much as you can…
Neena Gupta

The one who truly loves you will never think of hurting you but …sometimes we are left broken and shattered by them anyway… By the pain they caused us… Because they not only hurt us but they have broken our trust too… They showed us a side which we had never known before…
Neena Gupta 

It’s very easy to fall into any relationship but to give them real meaning is another thing… It’s not only about being intimate physically… its about being opening up completely to the one you love. It’s letting him know your thoughts and fears…. your secrets and your dreams… It’s giving him permission to read you like a book and trusting him that he will keep you safe… Real intimacy is like being naked without any layer of doubts and lies…
Neena Gupta

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