Sunday, November 8, 2015

Why are you so frustrated?

Why are you so frustrated?

Why are you so frustrated? Why do you think that everything happening around you is against you? Why do you think that life is a race that you have to win at any cost or it’s a competition where you have to give your best every time? No, life is neither a race nor a competition but a puzzle that you have to solve while cooperating with every person you have in your life; with love and patience. Life is for living and cherishing those things and the people God places in your life. You are here for a meaning; to perform some duties. Life is a stage, and every person is a performer who has to act in accordance with the one and only DIRECTOR; GOD. He has the threads in His life; has given scripts to everyone. We are doing things the way He wants us to. The moment we get done with our work, He will pull the thread. But until then, stay happy and stay positive.

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