Monday, June 6, 2016

Once again

Once again

Once again you have shown me that I can’t depend on you or trust you for anything. Today, you left me alone when I needed you the most. I’m through with your excuses. Whenever I want you, you are nowhere to be found. Every time I need you to hold me, you leave me in the dark. When I need you to help gather my broken soul, I am left alone in silence. Every time I need to talk to you, you are not there to listen.
You were the one who promised me the moon and the stars which I never needed. I only needed your Love, your support, your attention, and your time. I’m sorry to say you are unable to provide me with any of these things. I was alone before, and I feel the same way now. I cannot force you to appease my fragmented soul or mangled spirit. I’ve learned that I cannot count on anyone. I have no shoulder to lean on. For now, I can’t trust you or anyone else. You were the one who forced me to come out of my shell, where I was alone, but at least I was safe by myself. I was healing on my own. But you came along, and I trusted you and all you did was shatter my Heart again. I don’t think I will ever be able to trust anyone ever again!! 

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