Saturday, April 1, 2017



It’s never easy to let go of the person you have loved from the core of your heart when you have given them your heart and soul… but if that person never learns to respect your feelings and your love then what choice do you have? If your time and your emotion are never valued and you’re always made to feel unwanted and disrespected, as though you are little more than a showpiece… then for your own sake, you need to move on. Life’s worth is in realizing your own worth, so never give up it for anyone who doesn’t value you – even if you love them. Staying for too long will break you to a point where you won’t be able to recollect yourself. Hence, before that happen, know your worth…and move on. There is someone out there who will value your love and will make you the queen of his heart. 
Neena Gupta. 

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