Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Words Can Cut Like A Knife

Words Can Cut Like A Knife

Know that whatever you say in anger hits her hard. It is engraved in her bones and cuts deeper than a sword… You have no idea how long your words have haunted her; How often she hears their echoes and how many nights they have kept her awake…. If you knew how many days your words flowed down her cheeks as tears you would mindful of them – even when you are angry – and speak to her carefully. Don’t shout. Control your anger …. Because no matter how sorry you feel afterward, words once said, can never be taken back and the scars they leave will remain there forever….!! WE GET HURT THE MOST BY THE PERSON WE LOVE THE MOST…



Every man wants a woman who not only needs him in her life – but wants him too… He seeks out the one special woman who can become his strength, inspires him to achieve and motivates him to move forward. He searches for the one who can become his biggest support throughout his life, during his every life phase… But he should know that a strong and independent woman is not easy to find. Her heart will have walls around it which she constructed herself to protect it from hurt and pain…. She is always wary of every person she meets to prevent the wrath of pain again later… She may be a little tired, a little skeptical or even a little bit scary when she meets you… But remember that although she is perfect for you, she has her flaws… She has her demons that never let her trust again after her frightening past… But when she hears you knocking on her heart she may let you in – but only after you convince her of your true intentions and your love. She is nobody’s fool and will not be a victim again…. So if you to find her and win her heart, you must be prepared to break those walls and accept her demons along with her beautiful heart. You will have to prove to her that you are the only one who can protect her heart and she can safely let you in as you are the deserving one. But first, you must show your good intentions, prove to her that her doubts about you are wrong and then there will be no looking back afterward……SO, if you are dedicated enough to break those walls and can heal her broken heart she will become your strength and your motivation forever…

Monday, August 29, 2016

A woman can win a man’s heart

A woman can win a man’s heart

A woman can win a man’s heart with her selfless and true love. She will earn his admiration by standing beside him through thick n thin…by taking care of his needs, both physical and mental and by trusting him more than he trusts himself…. A man never gives up on a woman who can weaken him with a single look and strengthen him with a single embrace… And though it is said that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach – the real way to a man’s heart is with TRUE LOVE AND TRUST only… If you seek to truly understand him and his reasons he will always love you and will never leave you…

Sunday, August 28, 2016

No Matter How Much I Age

No Matter How Much I Age

No matter how much I age, I still feel young deep down inside. I still yearn for the sleepless nights snuggling and caressing with one another. I want to walk hand in hand with you barefoot along the beach. I want to watch scary movies with you holding you tight. I miss our long conversations that we used to have before. I want to feel like your girlfriend once again instead of just the mother of your children. I don’t want the spark to die between us like we had and still have, but it’s buried somewhere beneath the pressures of life. I don’t want to feel old before I die. I want to die still feeling young and keep YOU young as I feel Love is the only thing that keeps our Hearts young and our minds fresh. Love is ageless, timeless and has nothing to do with how old you are. It’s a hearty thing, and as long as we feel it in our Heart, we can still feel young. Never give up this feeling and never let yourself age with time……..

Saturday, August 27, 2016



Anyone can have an attractive face and sexy body, but a truly beautiful person will also have a loving heart and think kind thoughts. Nobody can stay beautiful forever, our thoughts determine our life and so does our heart. So don’t think dark thoughts or have an ugly heart…. If you truly love others, you will be loved back multiplied …. But if you keep lying and cheating, you will be thrown out of everyone’s life and will remain alone… No one likes a liar. 
So even if you don’t have a beautiful face, your good thoughts can outshine your physical attributes and make you beautiful….Never think of hurting others and never cheat people who trust you… every sin has a way of being paid for sooner or later…. We may not see all the wrongs we do, how many hearts we break or how many tears have been shed because of us… but GOD keeps the record of our every deed and pays us accordingly….

Wednesday, August 24, 2016



It’s not about how many people you can fit into your life but how you treat the people you already know and how you nurture your relationships with them that are important… It’s not easy to make new friends or form new relationships and sometimes if you’re not careful, you’ll lose your oldest and dearest ones… Every single relationship needs time, respect and love to grow and flourish. Relationships are not steps to be used to go up but are meant to be maintained with love, patience, care, and respect… So remember, never take anyone for granted. You never know when people may get tired of it and leave you…. and by the time you realize it, it may be already too late. The people you cared most for… the ones you never doubted would always be there may have strayed too far and you may never get them back… Hold on to the ones who love you and the ones that care for you….. You’d regret it if they left you. Time is short… don’t waste it… Love and be loved… VALUE every person you have…

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Being Parents

Being Parents

We should not force our children to do things they don’t want to do. Being parents, it’s our duty to provide them with everything they need for a healthy and happy life. We should allow them to pursue their dreams and not force our wishes on them. If we continue feeding them, they will never learn to become independent and self-reliant. Kids are like plants, and if we don’t nurture them and shower them with our Love and trust, they’ll fade away. If we don’t try to understand them, who else will?? They have a mind of their own, their own identity, and if we cage them, or try to limit them, they will never learn to fly. If we don’t allow them to fall, how will they learn to get back up? They can never run if we keep feeding them. They will never develop self-confidence. They need to be able to go out into the world and explore it so they can see and understand what the world is made of. Let them be THEMSELVES, and someday they will make us proud….



One of the most difficult things to know in a relationship is whether the other person really loves you or not. Their feelings, their gestures, their words…. are they really true or are they false? How can we work out a person’s true feelings? Their real emotions?? Is there any way we can ever really be sure? Are we just seeing what we want to see or interpreting what we want to see irrespective of the truth? The answer is Love is felt by heart… And when a person truly loves you, you can see it in their eyes…. Your soul can feel the connection…. When someone truly loves you, you see them everywhere and feel them within your every breath. They will be in your thoughts with you all the time…. and even when you’re alone you’ll feel their presence and their love. No matter where you are – they will always be beside you…..

Sunday, August 21, 2016

If a man really loves you

If a man really loves you

If a man really loves you and wants you in his life,
He will do every possible thing to win your heart. 
He will always make time for you, never leave you alone, and will take an interest in the things that interest you.
He will always try his best to make you feel at home and will become your best friend first before being your boyfriend. 
He will give you the mental and emotional support you’ve never had from anyone else before.
He will assure you that you are never alone, even when he’s not able to be with you.
He will make you feel so accepting of yourself that you will never want to hide anything from him, you will only want to give him your complete honesty.
If a man really loves you – you will always be your true self and will never want to lie to him..

Tuesday, August 16, 2016



I just don’t understand why some people are so jealous when they are not even connected to us personally in any way. When working with someone you may have to face each other, and you may be affected by each other’s performance. But if you have no other interests with one another outside of work, there should be no reason to be jealous especially when people are living in two different worlds and never meet face to face. Outside of their job, they have no other common interests together. So why feel jealous and insecure? It’s as if those people feel you are better than them in some way, and they are just exhibiting their own insecurities, or they don’t like when someone else outperforms them. They feel the need to compete when that happens. As for me, I am satisfied with whatever I have. I don’t want to compete nor be like anyone else. I am happy with who I am and what I have. I really pity those people who feel otherwise. They lose their sense and waste their valuable time and energy competing with others. They need to take care of their own matters. Jealousy only takes away your inner peace. The people who are egoistic and arrogant are the only ones who are affected by others. When you are satisfied with whatever God has blessed you with, nothing or no one can ever interfere with that. Nothing can ever disturb you…!! 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Whatever You Think, Is What You Become.

Whatever You Think, Is What You Become.

You are what you are; all of your ideas, thoughts, feelings, your highs, and lows, your dreams, your tears, your laughter, are yours only. You can’t blame anyone else for whatever happens in your life. Whatever you have been up until today, is all a result of your previous deeds and your Karma. No one else is responsible, only you. Whatever you think, is who you are and how you act and react. If you make other people happy, you will get happiness in return. With just one smile you give to someone, it can be multiplied thousands of times in return. So keep smiling and give your smiles away. Think good thoughts and you will have good in your life…

Saturday, August 6, 2016


Loving someone is never about how much you miss them or how much you want them in your life… It’s about how happy you can make each other when you’re together! Love is not about just listening to them or doing everything they want… Love is knowing them inside and out and understanding what will make them happy. Love is not just about looking for them in a crowd or feeling their presence everywhere, it’s also wanting to be alone just so that you may dream and fantasize about them…. Love is when you never have to think twice before saying anything because you know you are completely accepted for who you are… Love is when your days start with their kiss and ends in their arms… Love is all about the person you love wholeheartedly… It is giving all of yourself and doing everything in your power to show them just how much you care…… Love is making up after fights and arguments without waiting for them to come to you first…LOVE IS A WORLD WHERE THERE IS NO PLACE FOR ANYONE ELSE BUT THE TWO OF YOU…..WITH AN EQUAL BALANCE OF SPICE AND SUGAR…. A WORLD MADE BY TWO LIVING SOULS WHICH ARE ATTACHED PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY AND SOULFULLY……